Est. 2004

Code of Conduct


To help us make sure that every session is as enjoyable and safe, please take a few moments to familiarise yourself with our Code of Conduct rules set out below.

  • Parents & Carers are responsible for their children at all times. At no point should a Parent / Carer leave the room.
  • All Mini Footie Football Academy sessions will start promptly at the stated time. The coaches are unable to delay the start of any session due to late arrivals, so please ensure you arrive in good time.
  • Registers will be taken at the start of every session for emergency purposes. Please ensure that your child’s name is on the register if you arrive late.
  • Seating will be provided for Parents/Carers to spectate. For insurance purposes, please keep all personal belongings, prams, siblings etc away from the designated playing area(s) at all times.
  • The use of cameras/video equipment is strictly prohibited at all times. Mini Footie at times may use an accredited photographer to take photos, solely for the use of Mini Footie for marketing and advertising purposes. Permission will be sought from Parent / Carer prior to event.
  • For the interest of the children in the sessions, the coach will monitor the noise level at the side lines at all times to keep this to a minimum.
  • To avoid choking and other health hazards strictly no food or drink is to be consumed during the training sessions Drinks can be consumed at specific intervals deemed by the coaches.
  • For safety purposes, Mini Footie insist on strict discipline from all children and Parents/Carers. If this is not met, Mini Footie reserves the right to suspend any pupil and / or Parent/Carer from the sessions until such time deemed by Mini Footie with no refund option.
  • Any matters relating to fees, changing classes etc are to be addressed in writing with Head Office:

        Mini Footie Football Academy

        11 Mayfield Avenue,

Southend on Sea

Essex, SS2 6NY.

Email –

Such matters not to be discussed with the authorised Coaches. Coaches are however happy to discuss general matters with you.

  • Mini Footie sessions can only run with a required minimum of 10 children per class. Mini Footie reserves the right to cancel a course if the attendance criteria is not met. Every effort will be made to place your child on another course in the event of this occurring.
  • In the unlikely event of a complaint against Mini Footie, please contact Head Office in writing within 20 days of said event. Any complaint received after the 20-day deadline will be deemed void.


  • Mini Footie will offer a refund after the 1st session ONLY. This will exclude the non-refundable membership fee of £16.00. If your child attends more than 1 session, no refund can be claimed or will be offered.
  • Mini Footie does NOT offer a pay as you go system. All fees are to be paid in full by the deadline date stated on renewal letters. Late payment will incur a £5.00 administration charge.
  • Mini Footie does NOT offer a bi-weekly membership unless in extreme circumstances authorised by Head Office.
  • Mini Footie does NOT deduct for holidays / sickness / classes missed. These are forfeited by the member.


As a member of Mini Footie Football Academy you will have priority booking for the next course ahead of the waiting list. Renewal forms will be distributed approximately three weeks before the end of a course via email and copies can be obtained from the coaches. The renewal letter will clearly state a deadline for renewal and payment. If this deadline date is not met, your child’s place will be offered to the next child on the waiting list. We try to run on a fair, yet strict basis, to give all children the opportunity to participate.

All payments are due in full. Payment methods are all detailed on the renewal letters.

All Registration Forms must be signed by the Parent/Carer to show a full understanding of Mini Footie Football Academy’s Code of Conduct rules.

All members of Mini Footie are insured for personal injury while participating in the sessions.

Membership and course places are not transferable. Please inform Mini Footie with any changes to personal details immediately for insurance purposes.


This is available on our website –

To obtain a copy please contact Head Office.


All Mini Footie coaches are F.A. qualified. Mini Footie reserves the right to change the coaching staff when necessary.

Head Office -
07887 368111 :: 01702 345835

11 Mayfield Avenue
Southend on Sea